Y/N: I hate to say it.

Y/N: But shit's a lot more orderly working for your dad.

Octane: neta? estas loco

Y/N: I don't get work orders at the last moment.

Y/N: I have more time off?

Octane: ugh don't get me started

Octane: u saw what he did to the Frontier Corps right?

Y/N: Che must be pissed.

Octane: one way to put it

Octane: u see obi's interview?

Y/N: Holy shit it was B A D.

Octane: he called me all hurt like it was my fault!

Octane: ur dad owes me bla bla bla

Octane: wtf am i supposed to do?!

Y/N: He called to cry to you about it?

Y/N: That's cute.

Octane: yo dont get any ideas chica