(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/hkwI6P5.png" width="85%" alt="" />
##Ready to Burn
an explicit Octane/Reader fiction
Do drugs, have sex in the arena.](align:"<==")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[This is early on in the Apex timeline, sometime in Season 3.
This also may seem a little name heavy, but that is to provide clarity for all pronoun options.](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<span class="white">[[Female Body->Explanation]]</span>
<span class="white">[[Neutral Body->ExplanationN]]</span>]//Please replace the default values!//
▪ What is your character's subject pronoun?
(dropdown: bind $She,"She","He","They")
▪ What is your character's first name?
(input-box:bind $firstname,"XX==",1,"Chief")
▪ Is your character's head shaved or bald?
(dropdown: bind $head, "no", "shaved", "bald")
▪ What is your character's hair color?
(input-box:bind $haircolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's hair in 1 or 2 words (short, chin-length, long, etc.).
(input-box:bind $hairlength,"XX==",1,"short, unkempt")<span class="small">‼ you won't need this if you answered "bald" or "shaved" above, but filling it out won't break anythig.</span>
▪ What color are your character's eyes?
(input-box:bind $eyecolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's skin color.
(input-box:bind $skincolor,"XX==",1,"tanned") <span class="small">‼ 1 to 3 words is good. If you're not sure, check <a href="http://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com/post/96830966357/words-for-skin-tone-how-to-describe-skin-color" target="_blank">here</a> for ideas.</span>
<span class="small">‼ alternatively, another adjective will work fine (ex., supple, leathery, etc.)</span>
<span class='white'>(link-goto: "Done", "aPlayer")</span>{(if:$She is "They")[(set: $she to "they")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $she to "he")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $she to "she")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $she to "ze")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Herposs to "Their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Herposs to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Herposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $Herposs to "Zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hers to "Theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hers to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hers to "Hers")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $Hers to "Zirs")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hernotposs to "them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hernotposs to "him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hernotposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $hernotposs to "zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $herposs to "their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $herposs to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $herposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $herposs to "zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hers to "theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hers to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hers to "hers")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $hers to "zirs")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $was to "are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $was to "were")](else:)[(set: $was to "was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Was to "Are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Was to "Were")](else:)[(set: $Was to "Was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $wasnt to "aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $wasnt to "weren't")](else:)[(set: $wasnt to "wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Wasnt to "Aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Wasnt to "Weren't")](else:)[(set: $Wasnt to "Wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hernotposs to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $herposs to "your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hers to "yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $she to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshine to "shine")](else:)[(set: $MCshine to "shined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshine to "shines")](else:)[(set: $OTshine to "shined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hernotposs to "You")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Herposs to "Your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hers to "Yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $She to "You")]}
''This is what you entered:''
Pronouns (Uppercase): $She, $Hernotposs, $Herposs, $Hers
Pronouns (lowercse): $she, $hernotposs, $herposs, $hers
First name: $firstname
Hair color: (if:$head is "bald")[-intentionally blank-](else:)[$haircolor]
Hairstyle: (if:$head is "bald")[bald](else-if: $head is "shaved")[shaved](else:)[$hairlength]
Eye color: $eyecolor
Skin color: $skincolor
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] (if:$She is "You")[run](else:)[ran] $herposs hand (if:$head contains "bald")[over $herposs bare head](else-if:$head contains "shaved")[across $herposs shaved $haircolor hair](else:)[through $herposs $hairlength $haircolor hair], $herposs $eyecolor eyes staring across Kings Canyon. The midday sun (if:$She is "You")[shines](else:)[shone] on $herposs $skincolor skin, warming it.
If that looks correct, please
<span class='white2'>[[>>->Page One]]</span>
If ''not'', please click the curved back arrow above in the upper left hand corner to re-enter the information.
''A few notes:''
* I don't keep any information you enter.
* The next page may take 30 seconds to a minute to load.{
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $she to "they")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $she to "he")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $she to "she")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Herposs to "Their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Herposs to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Herposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hers to "Theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hers to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hers to "Hers")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hernotposs to "them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hernotposs to "him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hernotposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $herposs to "their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $herposs to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $herposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hers to "theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hers to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hers to "hers")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $was to "are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $was to "were")](else:)[(set: $was to "was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Was to "Are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Was to "Were")](else:)[(set: $Was to "Was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $wasnt to "aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $wasnt to "weren't")](else:)[(set: $wasnt to "wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Wasnt to "Aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Wasnt to "Weren't")](else:)[(set: $Wasnt to "Wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $self to "yourself")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $self to "themself")](else-if:$She is "He")[(set: $self to "himself")](else-if:$She is "She")[(set: $self to "herself")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hernotposs to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $herposs to "your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hers to "yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $she to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hernotposs to "You")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Herposs to "Your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hers to "Yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $She to "You")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTis to "is")](else:)[(set: $OTis to "was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcan to "can")](else:)[(set: $MCcan to "could")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $have to "have")](else:)[(set: $have to "had")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThas to "has")](else:)[(set: $OThas to "had")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $dont to "don't")](else:)[(set: $dont to "didn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsaid to "say")](else:)[(set: $MCsaid to "said")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsaid to "says")](else:)[(set: $OTsaid to "said")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCask to "ask")](else:)[(set: $MCask to "asked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTask to "asks")](else:)[(set: $OTask to "asked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgroan to "groan")](else:)[(set: $MCgroan to "groaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgroan to "groans")](else:)[(set: $OTgroan to "groaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmoan to "moan")](else:)[(set: $MCmoan to "moaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmoan to "moans")](else:)[(set: $OTmoan to "moaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpush to "push")](else:)[(set: $MCpush to "pushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpush to "pushes")](else:)[(set: $OTpush to "pushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpull to "pull")](else:)[(set: $MCpull to "pulled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpull to "pulls")](else:)[(set: $OTpull to "pulled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpound to "pound")](else:)[(set: $MCpound to "pounded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpound to "pounds")](else:)[(set: $OTpound to "pounded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCnudge to "nudge")](else:)[(set: $MCnudge to "nudged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTnudge to "nudges")](else:)[(set: $OTnudge to "nudged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslide to "slide")](else:)[(set: $MCslide to "slid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslide to "slides")](else:)[(set: $OTslide to "slid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslip to "slip")](else:)[(set: $MCslip to "slipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslip to "slips")](else:)[(set: $OTslip to "slipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrail to "rail")](else:)[(set: $MCrail to "railed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrail to "rails")](else:)[(set: $OTrail to "railed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChammer to "hammer")](else:)[(set: $MChammer to "hammered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThammer to "hammers")](else:)[(set: $OThammer to "hammered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwhine to "whine")](else:)[(set: $MCwhine to "whined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwhine to "whines")](else:)[(set: $OTwhine to "whined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwhimper to "whimper")](else:)[(set: $MCwhimper to "whimpered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwhimper to "whimpers")](else:)[(set: $OTwhimper to "whimpered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClook to "look")](else:)[(set: $MClook to "looked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlook to "looks")](else:)[(set: $OTlook to "looked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrub to "rub")](else:)[(set: $MCrub to "rubbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrub to "rubs")](else:)[(set: $OTrub to "rubbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstroke to "stroke")](else:)[(set: $MCstroke to "stroked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstroke to "strokes")](else:)[(set: $OTstroke to "stroked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcaress to "caress")](else:)[(set: $MCcaress to "caressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcaress to "caresses")](else:)[(set: $OTcaress to "caressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtug to "tug")](else:)[(set: $MCtug to "tugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtug to "tugs")](else:)[(set: $OTtug to "tugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsqueeze to "squeeze")](else:)[(set: $MCsqueeze to "squeezed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsqueeze to "squeezes")](else:)[(set: $OTsqueeze to "squeezed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgo to "go")](else:)[(set: $MCgo to "went")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgo to "goes")](else:)[(set: $OTgo to "went")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdo to "do")](else:)[(set: $MCdo to "did")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdo to "does")](else:)[(set: $OTdo to "did")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCget to "get")](else:)[(set: $MCget to "got")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTget to "gets")](else:)[(set: $OTget to "got")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmake to "make")](else:)[(set: $MCmake to "made")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmake to "makes")](else:)[(set: $OTmake to "made")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCknow to "know")](else:)[(set: $MCknow to "knew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTknow to "knows")](else:)[(set: $OTknow to "knew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCthink to "think")](else:)[(set: $MCthink to "thought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTthink to "thinks")](else:)[(set: $OTthink to "thought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsee to "see")](else:)[(set: $MCsee to "saw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsee to "sees")](else:)[(set: $OTsee to "saw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcome to "come")](else:)[(set: $MCcome to "came")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcome to "comes")](else:)[(set: $OTcome to "came")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwant to "want")](else:)[(set: $MCwant to "wanted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwant to "wants")](else:)[(set: $OTwant to "wanted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCuse to "use")](else:)[(set: $MCuse to "used")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTuse to "uses")](else:)[(set: $OTuse to "used")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfind to "find")](else:)[(set: $MCfind to "found")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfind to "finds")](else:)[(set: $OTfind to "found")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgive to "give")](else:)[(set: $MCgive to "gave")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgive to "gives")](else:)[(set: $OTgive to "gave")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtell to "tell")](else:)[(set: $MCtell to "told")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtell to "tells")](else:)[(set: $OTtell to "told")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrest to "rest")](else:)[(set: $MCrest to "rested")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrest to "rests")](else:)[(set: $OTrest to "rested")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrefuse to "refuse")](else:)[(set: $MCrefuse to "refused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrefuse to "refuses")](else:)[(set: $OTrefuse to "refused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshake to "shake")](else:)[(set: $MCshake to "shook")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshake to "shakes")](else:)[(set: $OTshake to "shook")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsend to "send")](else:)[(set: $MCsend to "sent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsend to "sends")](else:)[(set: $OTsend to "sent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChappen to "happen")](else:)[(set: $MChappen to "happened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThappen to "happens")](else:)[(set: $OThappen to "happened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChuff to "huff")](else:)[(set: $MChuff to "huffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThuff to "huffs")](else:)[(set: $OThuff to "huffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCthrow to "throw")](else:)[(set: $MCthrow to "threw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTthrow to "throws")](else:)[(set: $OTthrow to "threw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgreet to "greet")](else:)[(set: $MCgreet to "greeted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgreet to "greets")](else:)[(set: $OTgreet to "greeted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwander to "wander")](else:)[(set: $MCwander to "wandered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwander to "wanders")](else:)[(set: $OTwander to "wandered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstep to "step")](else:)[(set: $MCstep to "stepped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstep to "steps")](else:)[(set: $OTstep to "stepped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClead to "lead")](else:)[(set: $MClead to "led")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlead to "leads")](else:)[(set: $OTlead to "led")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpour to "pour")](else:)[(set: $MCpour to "poured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpour to "pours")](else:)[(set: $OTpour to "poured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsmell to "smell")](else:)[(set: $MCsmell to "smelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsmell to "smells")](else:)[(set: $OTsmell to "smelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClinger to "linger")](else:)[(set: $MClinger to "lingered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlinger to "lingers")](else:)[(set: $OTlinger to "lingered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgleam to "gleam")](else:)[(set: $MCgleam to "gleamed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgleam to "gleams")](else:)[(set: $OTgleam to "gleamed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbreak to "break")](else:)[(set: $MCbreak to "broke")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbreak to "breaks")](else:)[(set: $OTbreak to "broke")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcourse to "course")](else:)[(set: $MCcourse to "coursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcourse to "courses")](else:)[(set: $OTcourse to "coursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCopen to "open")](else:)[(set: $MCopen to "opened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTopen to "opens")](else:)[(set: $OTopen to "opened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsnort to "snort")](else:)[(set: $MCsnort to "snorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsnort to "snorts")](else:)[(set: $OTsnort to "snorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstuff to "stuff")](else:)[(set: $MCstuff to "stuffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstuff to "stuffs")](else:)[(set: $OTstuff to "stuffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtwinkle to "twinkle")](else:)[(set: $MCtwinkle to "twinkled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtwinkle to "twinkles")](else:)[(set: $OTtwinkle to "twinkled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwink to "wink")](else:)[(set: $MCwink to "winked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwink to "winks")](else:)[(set: $OTwink to "winked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpurse to "purse")](else:)[(set: $MCpurse to "pursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpurse to "purses")](else:)[(set: $OTpurse to "pursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCconcoct to "concoct")](else:)[(set: $MCconcoct to "concocted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTconcoct to "concocts")](else:)[(set: $OTconcoct to "concocted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsputter to "sputter")](else:)[(set: $MCsputter to "sputtered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsputter to "sputters")](else:)[(set: $OTsputter to "sputtered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwipe to "wipe")](else:)[(set: $MCwipe to "wiped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwipe to "wipes")](else:)[(set: $OTwipe to "wiped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCattempt to "attempt")](else:)[(set: $MCattempt to "attempted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTattempt to "attempts")](else:)[(set: $OTattempt to "attempted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtouch to "touch")](else:)[(set: $MCtouch to "touched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtouch to "touches")](else:)[(set: $OTtouch to "touched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjump to "jump")](else:)[(set: $MCjump to "jumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjump to "jumps")](else:)[(set: $OTjump to "jumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsneak to "sneak")](else:)[(set: $MCsneak to "snuck")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsneak to "sneaks")](else:)[(set: $OTsneak to "snuck")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrow to "grow")](else:)[(set: $MCgrow to "grew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrow to "grows")](else:)[(set: $OTgrow to "grew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbump to "bump")](else:)[(set: $MCbump to "bumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbump to "bumps")](else:)[(set: $OTbump to "bumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcatch to "catch")](else:)[(set: $MCcatch to "caught")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcatch to "catches")](else:)[(set: $OTcatch to "caught")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpurr to "purr")](else:)[(set: $MCpurr to "purred")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpurr to "purrs")](else:)[(set: $OTpurr to "purred")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpause to "pause")](else:)[(set: $MCpause to "paused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpause to "pauses")](else:)[(set: $OTpause to "paused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmanage to "manage")](else:)[(set: $MCmanage to "managed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmanage to "manages")](else:)[(set: $OTmanage to "managed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflush to "flush")](else:)[(set: $MCflush to "flushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflush to "flushes")](else:)[(set: $OTflush to "flushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmurmur to "murmur")](else:)[(set: $MCmurmur to "murmured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmurmur to "murmurs")](else:)[(set: $OTmurmur to "murmured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCforget to "forget")](else:)[(set: $MCforget to "forgot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTforget to "forgets")](else:)[(set: $OTforget to "forgot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsnake to "snake")](else:)[(set: $MCsnake to "snaked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsnake to "snakes")](else:)[(set: $OTsnake to "snaked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmelt to "melt")](else:)[(set: $MCmelt to "melted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmelt to "melts")](else:)[(set: $OTmelt to "melted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshudder to "shudder")](else:)[(set: $MCshudder to "shuddered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshudder to "shudders")](else:)[(set: $OTshudder to "shuddered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdelight to "delight")](else:)[(set: $MCdelight to "delighted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdelight to "delights")](else:)[(set: $OTdelight to "delighted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCescape to "escape")](else:)[(set: $MCescape to "escaped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTescape to "escapes")](else:)[(set: $OTescape to "escaped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreply to "reply")](else:)[(set: $MCreply to "replied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreply to "replies")](else:)[(set: $OTreply to "replied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCanswer to "answer")](else:)[(set: $MCanswer to "answered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTanswer to "answers")](else:)[(set: $OTanswer to "answered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpeel to "peel")](else:)[(set: $MCpeel to "peeled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpeel to "peels")](else:)[(set: $OTpeel to "peeled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreveal to "reveal")](else:)[(set: $MCreveal to "revealed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreveal to "reveals")](else:)[(set: $OTreveal to "revealed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCearn to "earn")](else:)[(set: $MCearn to "earned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTearn to "earns")](else:)[(set: $OTearn to "earned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCplace to "place")](else:)[(set: $MCplace to "placed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTplace to "places")](else:)[(set: $OTplace to "placed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtoss to "toss")](else:)[(set: $MCtoss to "tossed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtoss to "tosses")](else:)[(set: $OTtoss to "tossed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCunbutton to "unbutton")](else:)[(set: $MCunbutton to "unbuttoned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTunbutton to "unbuttons")](else:)[(set: $OTunbutton to "unbuttoned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCunzip to "unzip")](else:)[(set: $MCunzip to "unzipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTunzip to "unzips")](else:)[(set: $OTunzip to "unzipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCremain to "remain")](else:)[(set: $MCremain to "remained")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTremain to "remains")](else:)[(set: $OTremain to "remained")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshimmy to "shimmy")](else:)[(set: $MCshimmy to "shimmied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshimmy to "shimmies")](else:)[(set: $OTshimmy to "shimmied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClower to "lower")](else:)[(set: $MClower to "lowered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlower to "lowers")](else:)[(set: $OTlower to "lowered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCangle to "angle")](else:)[(set: $MCangle to "angled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTangle to "angles")](else:)[(set: $OTangle to "angled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfold to "fold")](else:)[(set: $MCfold to "folded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfold to "folds")](else:)[(set: $OTfold to "folded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwork to "work")](else:)[(set: $MCwork to "worked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwork to "works")](else:)[(set: $OTwork to "worked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcall to "call")](else:)[(set: $MCcall to "called")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcall to "calls")](else:)[(set: $OTcall to "called")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsmile to "smile")](else:)[(set: $MCsmile to "smiled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsmile to "smiles")](else:)[(set: $OTsmile to "smiled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrin to "grin")](else:)[(set: $MCgrin to "grinned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrin to "grins")](else:)[(set: $OTgrin to "grinned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtry to "try")](else:)[(set: $MCtry to "tried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtry to "tries")](else:)[(set: $OTtry to "tried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCneed to "need")](else:)[(set: $MCneed to "needed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTneed to "needs")](else:)[(set: $OTneed to "needed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfeel to "feel")](else:)[(set: $MCfeel to "felt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfeel to "feels")](else:)[(set: $OTfeel to "felt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbecome to "become")](else:)[(set: $MCbecome to "became")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbecome to "becomes")](else:)[(set: $OTbecome to "became")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCleave to "leave")](else:)[(set: $MCleave to "left")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTleave to "leaves")](else:)[(set: $OTleave to "left")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCput to "put")](else:)[(set: $MCput to "put")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTput to "puts")](else:)[(set: $OTput to "put")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmean to "mean")](else:)[(set: $MCmean to "meant")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmean to "means")](else:)[(set: $OTmean to "meant")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCkeep to "keep")](else:)[(set: $MCkeep to "kept")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTkeep to "keeps")](else:)[(set: $OTkeep to "kept")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClet to "let")](else:)[(set: $MClet to "let")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlet to "lets")](else:)[(set: $OTlet to "let")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbegin to "begin")](else:)[(set: $MCbegin to "began")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbegin to "begins")](else:)[(set: $OTbegin to "began")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCseem to "seem")](else:)[(set: $MCseem to "seemed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTseem to "seems")](else:)[(set: $OTseem to "seemed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChelp to "help")](else:)[(set: $MChelp to "helped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThelp to "helps")](else:)[(set: $OThelp to "helped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtalk to "talk")](else:)[(set: $MCtalk to "talked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtalk to "talks")](else:)[(set: $OTtalk to "talked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCturn to "turn")](else:)[(set: $MCturn to "turned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTturn to "turns")](else:)[(set: $OTturn to "turned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstart to "start")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstart to "starts")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshow to "show")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshow to "shows")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChear to "hear")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MChear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MChear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MChear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThear to "hears")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OThear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OThear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OThear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCplay to "play")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTplay to "plays")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrun to "run")](else:)[(set: $MCrun to "ran")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrun to "runs")](else:)[(set: $OTrun to "ran")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmove to "move")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmove to "moves")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClike to "like")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlike to "likes")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClive to "live")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlive to "lives")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleive")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleives")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChold to "hold")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MChold to "held")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MChold to "held")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MChold to "held")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThold to "holds")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OThold to "held")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OThold to "held")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OThold to "held")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbring to "bring")](else:)[(set: $MCbring to "brought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbring to "brings")](else:)[(set: $OTbring to "brought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwrite to "write")](else:)[(set: $MCwrite to "wrote")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwrite to "writes")](else:)[(set: $OTwrite to "wrote")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsit to "sit")](else:)[(set: $MCsit to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsit to "sits")](else:)[(set: $OTsit to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstand to "stand")](else:)[(set: $MCstand to "stood")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstand to "stands")](else:)[(set: $OTstand to "stood")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwhisper to "whisper")](else:)[(set: $MCwhisper to "whispered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwhisper to "whispers")](else:)[(set: $OTwhisper to "whispered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChasnt to "haven't")](else:)[(set: $MChasnt to "haven't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThasnt to "hasn't")](else:)[(set: $OThasnt to "hasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCclose to "close")](else:)[(set: $MCclose to "closed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTclose to "closes")](else:)[(set: $OTclose to "closed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwatch to "watch")](else:)[(set: $MCwatch to "watched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwatch to "watches")](else:)[(set: $OTwatch to "watched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClove to "love")](else:)[(set: $MClove to "loved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlove to "loves")](else:)[(set: $OTlove to "loved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgather to "gather")](else:)[(set: $MCgather to "gathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgather to "gathers")](else:)[(set: $OTgather to "gathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChook to "hook")](else:)[(set: $MChook to "hooked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThook to "hooks")](else:)[(set: $OThook to "hooked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCconfirm to "confirm")](else:)[(set: $MCconfirm to "confirmed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTconfirm to "confirms")](else:)[(set: $OTconfirm to "confirmed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstash to "stash")](else:)[(set: $MCstash to "stashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstash to "stashes")](else:)[(set: $OTstash to "stashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmess to "mess")](else:)[(set: $MCmess to "messed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmess to "messes")](else:)[(set: $OTmess to "messed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfuck to "fuck")](else:)[(set: $MCfuck to "fucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfuck to "fucks")](else:)[(set: $OTfuck to "fucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdrive to "drive")](else:)[(set: $MCdrive to "drove")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdrive to "drives")](else:)[(set: $OTdrive to "drove")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbuck to "buck")](else:)[(set: $MCbuck to "bucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbuck to "bucks")](else:)[(set: $OTbuck to "bucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwalk to "walk")](else:)[(set: $MCwalk to "walked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwalk to "walks")](else:)[(set: $OTwalk to "walked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChug to "hug")](else:)[(set: $MChug to "hugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThug to "hugs")](else:)[(set: $OThug to "hugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpass to "pass")](else:)[(set: $MCpass to "passed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpass to "passses")](else:)[(set: $OTpass to "passed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfill to "fill")](else:)[(set: $MCfill to "filled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfill to "fills")](else:)[(set: $OTfill to "filled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwater to "water")](else:)[(set: $MCwater to "watered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwater to "waters")](else:)[(set: $OTwater to "watered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfight to "fight")](else:)[(set: $MCfight to "fought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfight to "fights")](else:)[(set: $OTfight to "fought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrealize to "realize")](else:)[(set: $MCrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrealize to "realizes")](else:)[(set: $OTrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfumble to "fumble")](else:)[(set: $MCfumble to "fumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfumble to "fumbles")](else:)[(set: $OTfumble to "fumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfreeze to "freeze")](else:)[(set: $MCfreeze to "froze")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfreeze to "freezes")](else:)[(set: $OTfreeze to "froze")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfollow to "follow")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfollow to "follows")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshoot to "shoot")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshoot to "shoots")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouch")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouches")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChiss to "hiss")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MChiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MChiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MChiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThiss to "hisses")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OThiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OThiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OThiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrug")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugs")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCset to "set")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTset to "sets")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrow")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrows")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClie to "lie")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlie to "lies")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClay to "lay")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlay to "lays")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClying to "lie")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlying to "lies")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostle")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostles")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpick to "pick")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpick to "picks")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfall to "fall")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfall to "falls")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtake to "take")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtake to "takes")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcomb to "comb")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcomb to "combs")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrap")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwrap to "wraps")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpress to "press")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpress to "presses")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflick to "flick")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflick to "flicks")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflirt to "flirt")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflirt to "flirts")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfeather to "feather")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfeather to "feathers")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshift to "shift")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshift to "shifts")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClean to "lean")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlean to "leans")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcircle to "circle")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcircle to "circles")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflash to "flash")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflash to "flashes")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrab to "grab")](else:)[(set: $MCgrab to "grabbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrab to "grabs")](else:)[(set: $OTgrab to "grabbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCclutch to "clutch")](else:)[(set: $MCclutch to "clutched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTclutch to "clutches")](else:)[(set: $OTclutch to "clutched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCspin to "spin")](else:)[(set: $MCspin to "spun")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTspin to "spins")](else:)[(set: $OTspin to "spun")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreach to "reach")](else:)[(set: $MCreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreach to "reaches")](else:)[(set: $OTreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmutter to "mutter")](else:)[(set: $MCmutter to "muttered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmutter to "mutters")](else:)[(set: $OTmutter to "muttered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcoo to "coo")](else:)[(set: $MCcoo to "cooed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcoo to "coos")](else:)[(set: $OTcoo to "cooed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwail to "wail")](else:)[(set: $MCwail to "wailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwail to "wails")](else:)[(set: $OTwail to "wailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcry to "cry")](else:)[(set: $MCcry to "cried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcry to "cries")](else:)[(set: $OTcry to "cried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbellow to "bellow")](else:)[(set: $MCbellow to "bellowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbellow to "bellows")](else:)[(set: $OTbellow to "bellowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrunt to "grunt")](else:)[(set: $MCgrunt to "grunted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrunt to "grunts")](else:)[(set: $OTgrunt to "grunted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbend to "bend")](else:)[(set: $MCbend to "bent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbend to "bends")](else:)[(set: $OTbend to "bent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrealize to "realize")](else:)[(set: $MCrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrealize to "realizes")](else:)[(set: $OTrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwithdraw to "withdraw")](else:)[(set: $MCwithdraw to "withdrew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwithdraw to "withdraws")](else:)[(set: $OTwithdraw to "withdrew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreach to "reach")](else:)[(set: $MCreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreach to "reaches")](else:)[(set: $OTreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrap")](else:)[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwrap to "wraps")](else:)[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCglide to "glide")](else:)[(set: $MCglide to "glided")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTglide to "glides")](else:)[(set: $OTglide to "glided")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCadmire to "admire")](else:)[(set: $MCadmire to "admired")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTadmire to "admires")](else:)[(set: $OTadmire to "admired")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCplunge to "plunge")](else:)[(set: $MCplunge to "plunged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTplunge to "plunges")](else:)[(set: $OTplunge to "plunged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCexpect to "expect")](else:)[(set: $MCexpect to "expected")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTexpect to "expects")](else:)[(set: $OTexpect to "expected")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCenjoy to "enjoy")](else:)[(set: $MCenjoy to "enjoyed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTenjoy to "enjoys")](else:)[(set: $OTenjoy to "enjoyed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstimulate to "stimulate")](else:)[(set: $MCstimulate to "stimulated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstimulate to "stimulates")](else:)[(set: $OTstimulate to "stimulated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslow to "slow")](else:)[(set: $MCslow to "slowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslow to "slows")](else:)[(set: $OTslow to "slowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstop to "stop")](else:)[(set: $MCstop to "stopped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstop to "stops")](else:)[(set: $OTstop to "stopped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClevel to "level")](else:)[(set: $MClevel to "leveled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlevel to "levels")](else:)[(set: $OTlevel to "leveled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfocus to "focus")](else:)[(set: $MCfocus to "focused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfocus to "focuses")](else:)[(set: $OTfocus to "focused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCclasp to "clasp")](else:)[(set: $MCclasp to "clasped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTclasp to "clasps")](else:)[(set: $OTclasp to "clasped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfail to "fail")](else:)[(set: $MCfail to "failed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfail to "fails")](else:)[(set: $OTfail to "failed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjog to "jog")](else:)[(set: $MCjog to "jogged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjog to "jogs")](else:)[(set: $OTjog to "jogged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCyell to "yell")](else:)[(set: $MCyell to "yelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTyell to "yells")](else:)[(set: $OTyell to "yelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCholler to "holler")](else:)[(set: $MCholler to "hollered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTholler to "hollers")](else:)[(set: $OTholler to "hollered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtrail to "trail")](else:)[(set: $MCtrail to "trailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtrail to "trails")](else:)[(set: $OTtrail to "trailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCresume to "resume")](else:)[(set: $MCresume to "resumed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTresume to "resumes")](else:)[(set: $OTresume to "resumed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClaugh to "laugh")](else:)[(set: $MClaugh to "laughed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlaugh to "laughs")](else:)[(set: $OTlaugh to "laughed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcover to "cover")](else:)[(set: $MCcover to "covered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcover to "covers")](else:)[(set: $OTcover to "covered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslam to "slam")](else:)[(set: $MCslam to "slammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslam to "slams")](else:)[(set: $OTslam to "slammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCurge to "urge")](else:)[(set: $MCurge to "urged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTurge to "urges")](else:)[(set: $OTurge to "urged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCleap to "leap")](else:)[(set: $MCleap to "leapt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTleap to "leaps")](else:)[(set: $OTleap to "leapt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcascade to "cascade")](else:)[(set: $MCcascade to "cascaded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcascade to "cascades")](else:)[(set: $OTcascade to "cascaded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfloat to "float")](else:)[(set: $MCfloat to "floated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfloat to "floatS")](else:)[(set: $OTfloat to "floated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClift to "lift")](else:)[(set: $MClift to "lifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlift to "lifts")](else:)[(set: $OTlift to "lifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjam to "jam")](else:)[(set: $MCjam to "jammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjam to "jams")](else:)[(set: $OTjam to "jammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslump to "slump")](else:)[(set: $MCslump to "slumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslump to "slumps")](else:)[(set: $OTslump to "slumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsink to "sink")](else:)[(set: $MCsink to "sank")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsink to "sinks")](else:)[(set: $OTsink to "sank")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslink to "slink")](else:)[(set: $MCslink to "slunk")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslink to "slinks")](else:)[(set: $OTslink to "slunk")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCunlock to "unlock")](else:)[(set: $MCunlock to "unlocked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTunlock to "unlocks")](else:)[(set: $OTunlock to "unlocked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdisappear to "disappear")](else:)[(set: $MCdisappear to "disappeared")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdisappear to "disappears")](else:)[(set: $OTdisappear to "disappeared")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCkiss to "kiss")](else:)[(set: $MCkiss to "kissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTkiss to "kisses")](else:)[(set: $OTkiss to "kissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsort to "sort")](else:)[(set: $MCsort to "sorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsort to "sorts")](else:)[(set: $OTsort to "sorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbaffle to "baffle")](else:)[(set: $MCbaffle to "baffled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbaffle to "baffles")](else:)[(set: $OTbaffle to "baffled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwarn to "warn")](else:)[(set: $MCwarn to "warned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwarn to "warns")](else:)[(set: $OTwarn to "warned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbetray to "betray")](else:)[(set: $MCbetray to "betrayed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbetary to "betrays")](else:)[(set: $OTbetary to "betrayed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCnotice to "notice")](else:)[(set: $MCnotice to "noticed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTnotice to "notices")](else:)[(set: $OTnotice to "noticed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrumble to "grumble")](else:)[(set: $MCgrumble to "grumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrumble to "grumbles")](else:)[(set: $OTgrumble to "grumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshine to "shine")](else:)[(set: $MCshine to "shined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshine to "shines")](else:)[(set: $OTshine to "shined")]}\
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://i.imgur.com/y34t6W3.png" alt="" width="98" height="55" />]
Talos almost $OTfeel like a vacation after dealing with all the shit that happened to Kings Canyon. It $OTis also a hell of a lot prettier. It took moving the games to an entirely new location to get the Syndicate off $firstname's ass about all of the repairs--the canyon $OTis so busted that $she $have been working way too many hours and losing too much sleep to stay on top of everything. Even with a team of people, it $OTis too much.
$She $dont have any evidence, but $she $was fairly sure the new legend $OThas something to do with the chaos. Shit going south and a skilled hacker suddenly entering the games $OTis more than a coincidence. But $herposs job as a munitions engineer $OTis to design new shit and fix (if:$She is "You")[whatever's](else:)[whatever was] broken, not to ask questions. Asking the Syndicate questions about the games $OTis a great way to get yourself killed. Besides, Crypto $OTis plenty good looking and $she $dont mind him being around.
$She $MCclose the panel on the survey beacon and $MCwatch it come back to life as $she $MCwipe the oil and grime from $herposs $skincolor skin onto $herposs pants. Nobody $OTuse these things except Pathfinder and $she screamed like hell at the monitors whenever his team refused to put him in a position to use them. $She $MCfeel particularly fond of the MRVN and $MClove to see him win more than anyone else (with maybe one exception).
$She $MCgather $herposs things and $MChook (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$hernotposs](print:"self") to the line, preparing to rappel down to the first floor when $she $MChear the faint sound of a ship growing closer. Looking to the sky behind $hernotposs, $she $MCsee the unmistakable drop-ship closing in. $Herposs watch $OTconfirm the date and time, confusing $hernotposs further. There (if:$She is "You")[aren't](else:)[weren't] any games scheduled for today. (if:$She is "You")[Are](else:)[Were] there?
The last place $she $MCwant to be (if:$She is "You")[is](else:)[was] in the arena when the shooting (if:$She is "You")[starts](else:)[started]. $She $MCneed to get to an old access tunnel ASAP, and the closest one that (if:$She is "You")[hasn't](else:)[hadn't] crumbled in on itself was at the train station on the other side of Capitol City.
$She $MCstash $herposs tools in a container and $MCslide down to the ground floor, cursing under $herposs breath. If $she $MCget caught in any footage, $she(if:$She is "You")['ll](else:)['d] be fucked. Unplanned variables in a game (if:$She is "You")[mess](else:)[messed] with the Syndicate's betting algorithms and pools. And nobody $OTfuck with the Syndicate's pools and $OTwalk away.
The ship $OTis now practically overhead, and $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] make out the trails of about half of the legends. Quietly pleading for them to stay away from $hernotposs, $she $MChug the walls of each building $she $MCpass, avoiding the open streets.
► {(link-repeat: '"Attention. First blood."')[(track: 'first-blood', 'play')]}
$She hadn't heard any gunfire, which temporarily (if:$She is "You")[fills](else:)[filled] $hernotposs with some relief. Maybe $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] pull this off. $She $dont want to lose $herposs job, and $she certainly $dont want to wind up dead for throwing a game.
The station $OTis empty, thank god. $She $MCmake $herposs way through the waiting areas toward the basement and $MCfind the access panel behind a potted plant. $She $have no idea who $OTwater these things and why, but it (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] $herposs job to stage the arena, just to make sure it $OTis well-supplied. $She $MCfight with the panel for a moment before $she $MCrealize it $OTis locked. Of course it $OTis. $She $MCfumble with $herposs ring of keys, grimacing at the sound they (if:$She is "You")[make](else:)[made].
$She $have too many damn keys.
From somewhere nearby in the station, $she $MChear a single gunshot, which nearly (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] $hernotposs scream. But $she $MCkeep $herposs shit together and $MCfreeze in place. The sound of metal hitting the floor $OTfollow.
$She (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] hear the grin in his voice. $She $MCknow it immediately. Octavio--he shot the drone that (if:$She is "You")[is](else:)[was] filming him. He had no reason to do so unless he didn't want to be monitored. Which (if:$She is "You")[means](else:)[meant]...
"$firstname, what the hell are you doing in here?" he $OTask, rounding the corner.
"Trying to get the fuck out. There's not supposed to be a match today," (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MCwhisper and $MCcrouch down.
"That's what I thought, but they sent out a message this morning that a game was on," he $OTsaid, walking over to $hernotposs.
"It's that fucking Crypto, I guarantee it," (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MChiss.
Octavio $OTshrug.
"Makes no difference to me. I'm always ready for a match," he $OTsaid.
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] (if:$She is "You")[can't](else:)[couldn't] see his grin behind his mask, but $she $MCknow it $OTis there.
"You'll be DQed if they see you with me," $she $MCsaid, returning to $herposs keyring.
"<em>Bebé</em>, I'm doing you a favor," Octavio $OTsaid. "You could thank me."
"Thank you, Octavio," $she $MCsaid.
"Nuh-uh. That's not what I mean."
Octavio $OTset his SMG down on the counter and $OTjostle his belt, pulling it up a bit so he (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] unfasten the top of his shorts. (if:$She is "You")[Your](else:)[$firstname's] brow $OTfurrow as $she $MCwatch him unzip his fly.
"Are you out of your goddamn mind? They'll send another drone over immediately," $she $MCwhisper.
"Have a little fun," Octavio $OTsaid. "Fuckin' live a little!"
"I'd like to keep living, Oc. The last thing I need is a drone broadcasting me fucking you down here. They'll kill me."
From inside his shorts, he $OTpull out his cock with one hand and $OTpick the SMG back up with his other.
"Living is only fun when you're on the verge of dying, <em>bebé</em>," he $OTsaid. "I'll shoot down any drone they send."
"And your team?"
"Won't matter if we're fast," he $OTsaid, still grinning.
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] $MCgroan quietly but $MCfall forward onto $herposs knees and $MCtake Octavio's shaft in $herposs hand, which (if:$She is "You")[is](else:)[was] growing harder with each passing moment. Octavio $OTlet out a pleased sigh and (if:$head is "bald")[$OTrest his hand on $herposs bare head](else-if:$head is "shaved")[$OTrun his fingertips through (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$firstname's] shaved $haircolor hair](else:)[$OTcomb his fingers through (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$firstname's] $hairlength $haircolor hair] as $she (if:$She is "You")[free](else:)[freed] the crown of his cock from his foreskin and $MCwrap $herposs lips around him. $She $MCpress the tip of $herposs tongue under his head, rubbing the sensitive ridge there and earning a moan from him that $OTis louder than $she (if:$She is "You")[would like](else:)[would have liked].
After a few moments, $she $MCslide $herposs mouth down along his length, letting him reach the back of $herposs throat, suppressing whatever instinct $she (if:$She is "You")[have](else:)[had] to gag. $Herposs $eyecolor eyes $MCflick up toward him, but he (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] watching. His attention $OTshift from one end of the hallway to the other.
"Faster, $firstname," he $OTsaid. "I got a game to win."
$She $MCsit back, letting his cock pop from $herposs mouth.
"Fuck off, Oc. I don't have to do this," $she $MChiss.
"Yeah, but I know you wanna."
A part of $hernotposs $OTwant to punch Oc in the groin and unlock the panel. But he (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] going to snitch on $hernotposs, and $she (if:$She is "You")[have](else:)[had] nothing to lose at this point. Plus, he (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] wrong. There $OTis something incredibly exciting about doing this when there $OTis no incentive... something about being caught (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] it even more of a turn-on.
$She $MClean in and $MCslip his cock back into $herposs mouth, $herposs fingers (if:$She is "You")[circling](else:)[circled] around the base. Octavio finally $OTlook down at $hernotposs as $herposs head (if:$She is "You")[bobs](else:)[bobbed] back and forth, $herposs mouth a tight seal around him.(if:$She is "You")[](else:)[ $She felt amazing, making him even more thankful for his steel legs.]
"I wish the world could see this," Octavio $OTsaid. "Cuz it looks way too fucking good. I should start recording us when we fuck."
$Herposs eyes $MCflash up in annoyance, which (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] him chuckle.(if:$She is "You")[](else:)[
The Legend felt the tension in his abdomen well as he grew closer to coming, but he decided it wasn't enough. Maybe this was too fast. It hardly felt like they were in danger.] He $OTgrab (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$firstname's] arm and $OTbegin hoisting $hernotposs up from the floor(if:$She is "You")[.](else:)[, surprising $hernotposs.]
"What the hell, Oc?" $she $MCask as Octavio $OTspin $hernotposs around and $OTpush $herposs stomach up against the counter.
With his free hand, Octavio $OTreach around $hernotposs and easily (if:$She is "You")[undoes](else:)[undid] $herposs pants, pulling them down with a few well-placed tugs, along with $herposs underwear. He $OTsqueeze $herposs ass as he $OTrub himself against $hernotposs.
"You've got the nicest fuckin' ass," he $OTmutter. "I wanna watch it bounce."
"And you think this is the time?" (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MCwhisper.
"Hells yeah."
With a sigh, $she $MCbend over the counter, tilting $herposs ass up toward him. $She $MCfeel his index finger slide along $herposs clit as his middle and ring finger (if:$She is "You")[slips](else:)[slipped] inside of $hernotposs. $She $was much wetter than even $she realized.
"Apparently, you think it's time, too," he $OTsaid.
His fingers (if:$She is "You")[withdraw](else:)[withdrew], and $she $MCfeel his cock push up against $hernotposs in their place, his head sinking into $herposs pussy. $She $MCreach out and $MCwrap $herposs hands around the edge of the counter as he $OTglide into $hernotposs.
"Admit it, you love my cock," he $OTsaid in a teasing tone. "Why else would you be so wet?"
"My body has different ideas than I do."
"Keep a lookout, would you?" he $OTask, ignoring $herposs comments.(if:$She is "You")[](else:)[
Octavio $OTlet his free hand fall to his side and $OTadmire the view as he $OTbegin to pound $hernotposs from behind rapidly. His legs (if:$She is "You")[keep](else:)[kept] him steady as he $OTplunge in and out of $hernotposs, his cock now glistening. ](if:$She is "You")[Your](else:)[$firstname's] whole body (if:$She is "You")[bounces](else:)[bounced] as he $OThammer $hernotposs--$she (if:$She is "You")[have](else:)[had] no idea how he $OTexpect $hernotposs to keep watch. In fact, $herposs eyes (if:$She is "You")[blur](else:)[blurred] as $she $MCenjoy the sensation. He $OTmove so fast and hard that he $OTstimulate nearly everything.
After a minute or two, he $OTslow but (if:$She is "You")[doesn't](else:)[didn't] come to a complete stop as he $OTlevel his Prowler, aiming it down the hall.
"You hear that?" he $OTask.
$She (if:$She is "You")[don't](else:)[didn't] hear a damn thing as $she $MCfocus on his full, smooth deep thrusts, each of which nearly (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] $hernotposs cry out in delight. $She quickly $MCclasp $herposs hand to $herposs mouth, not sure $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] resist making any noise.
From the stairs at the end of the hall (if:$She is "You")[comes](else:)[came] Mirage, but he $OTfail to make eye contact with either of (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[them] as he $OTjog past. (if:$She is "You")[You both watch as he snags on a chair and stops, giving himself away as a decoy. Octane lowers his gun with a snort.](else:)[They both watched as he snagged on a chair and stopped, giving himself away as a decoy. Octane lowered his gun with a snort.]
"I got everything down here, <em>compadre</em>, no reason to come down!" he $OTyell.
"You sure?" Mirage's voice $OTtrail down the stairs.
"Yeah, I'm //sure//," Octavio $OTsaid with heavy emphasis.
"Alright, but speed it up. You're taking way too damn long... which is unlike you."
"He wants me to speed it up? I can speed it up," Octavio $OTmutter.
He $OTlet out a long, loud moan as he $OTresume his furious pace, surprising $hernotposs enough that $she $MClet out a muffled squeal into $herposs palm. He $OTlaugh and $OTpull a stim out from the stash on his hip, draining it into his abdomen.
"I love this part," he $OTgroan as the drugs hit his bloodstream.
His thrusts (if:$She is "You")[become](else:)[became] more urgent, faster than before, which (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] didn't even think was possible. $Herposs keyring, hooked to $herposs belt loop but since stuffed in $herposs pocket, (if:$She is "You")[comes](else:)[came] loose and immediately (if:$She is "You")[starts](else:)[started] to jangle with a wild rhythm. The sound $OTis so loud, it (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] $hernotposs want to die. (if:$She is "You")[There's](else:)[There was] no way they (if:$She is "You")[can't](else:)[couldn't] hear it upstairs. $She $MCpress $herposs face into the countertop and $MCcover $herposs head with $herposs arms.
From above, $she $MChear another single gunshot and Mirage's voice casually (if:$She is "You")[calls](else:)[call] down the stairs.
"OOPS. Geez, these drones, I tell ya."
With a few guttural sounds, Octavio $OTslam himself into $hernotposs a few final times, then quickly $OTwithdraw. But before $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] react, $she $MCfeel his two fingers slip up through $herposs labia again, where he $OTfind $herposs engorged clit. $She $MCfeel him practically dancing behind $hernotposs as he $OTrub his fingers back and forth at the speed of light.
"Come on," Octavio $OTsaid quietly.
Normally, the pressure to come (if:$She is "You")[has](else:)[had] the exact opposite effect, but his hand $OTmove so damn fast that it (if:$She is "You")[feels](else:)[felt] better than any vibrator. $She $MCreach out to grip the edges of the counter, the stimulation nearly too much.
"Ffffffffffffuuuu," (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MCwhine, $herposs knuckles going white.
"Come on, come on, come on," he $OTurge, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
$Herposs heart $OTleap into $herposs ears, and for a few moments, $she (if:$She is "You")[can't](else:)[couldn't] hear anything. $Herposs eyes (if:$She is "You")[clamp](else:)[clamped] shut as $herposs cry (if:$She is "You")[comes](else:)[came] out instead as a long, ragged gasp. Pleasure $OTcascade from the crown of $herposs head into $herposs fingertips and toes, and for a moment, $she $MCfloat.
When $she finally $MClift $herposs head, $she $MCsee him hopping awkwardly away, trying to run and redo his fly at the same time.
"There's no way I can lose now," he $OTsaid with another laugh. "I'll be over later to celebrate. Now get the hell outta here."
With that, he $OTjam another stim into his upper leg and $OTtake off up the stairs.
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] $MCslink down behind the counter and $MCpull $herposs pants back up, still not entirely with it. $Herposs whole body $OTis quivering. After finding the correct key, $she quietly $MCunlock the panel and $MCdisappear inside, sitting with $herposs back against the door inside the small, dark access hall.
<hr class="new5">
"You ready?" Mirage $OTask as Octane $OTrun up the stairs and (if:$She is "You")[cruises](else:)[cruised] past him.
► {(link-repeat: '"Stimmed up and ready to burn."')[(track: 'stimmed-up', 'play')]}
(Button:"=X=")[[Start Over->Untitled Passage]]In this bit of writing, the protagonist has a vulva, clitoris, vagina, etc. and breasts. The year is 2733. The protagonist could have this body for a multitude of reasons.
The author has included a tool that allows the reader to select their pronouns.
I am about to ask you some questions about the protagonist on the next page.
What you enter will show up in the rest of the piece, so make sure you capitalize correctly, etc.
These variables will stay the same for the rest of the piece.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[Do you want to read in:
<span class='white'>(set:$She to "You")[[[2nd Person POV->Options2]]]</span>
You are referred as "You"
<span class='white'>[[3rd Person POV->Options]]</span>
The protagonist is referred as "She" "He" or "They"
(choose on next page)]//Please replace the default values!//
▪ What is your character's first name?
(input-box:bind $firstname,"XX==",1,"Chief")
▪ Is your character's head shaved or bald?
(dropdown: bind $head, "no", "shaved", "bald")
▪ What is your character's hair color?
(input-box:bind $haircolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's hair in 1 or 2 words (short, chin-length, long, etc.).
(input-box:bind $hairlength,"XX==",1,"short, unkempt")<span class="small">‼ you won't need this if you answered "bald" or "shaved" above, but filling it out won't break anythig.</span>
▪ What color are your character's eyes?
(input-box:bind $eyecolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's skin color.
(input-box:bind $skincolor,"XX==",1,"tanned") <span class="small">‼ 1 to 3 words is good. If you're not sure, check <a href="http://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com/post/96830966357/words-for-skin-tone-how-to-describe-skin-color" target="_blank">here</a> for ideas.</span>
<span class="small">‼ alternatively, another adjective will work fine (ex., supple, leathery, etc.)</span>
<span class='white'>(link-goto: "Done", "aPlayer")</span>first-blood: http://vatnalilja.neocities.org/ReadytoBurn/first-blood.mp3
stimmed-up: https://vatnalilja.neocities.org/ReadytoBurn/stimmed-up.mp3This version of the story has a body with unsepcified sex characteristics or characteristics shared among many types of bodies.
The author has included a tool that allows the reader to select pronouns.
I am about to ask you some questions about the protagonist on the next page.
What you enter will show up in the rest of the piece, so make sure you capitalize correctly, etc.
These variables will stay the same for the rest of the piece.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[Do you want to read in:
<span class='white'>(set:$She to "You")[[[2nd Person POV->Options2N]]]</span>
You are referred as "You"
<span class='white'>[[3rd Person POV->OptionsN]]</span>
The protagonist is referred as "She" "He" or "They"
(choose on next page)]//Please replace the default values!//
▪ What is your character's first name?
(input-box:bind $firstname,"XX==",1,"Chief")
▪ Is your character's head shaved or bald?
(dropdown: bind $head, "no", "shaved", "bald")
▪ What is your character's hair color?
(input-box:bind $haircolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's hair in 1 or 2 words (short, chin-length, long, etc.).
(input-box:bind $hairlength,"XX==",1,"short, unkempt")<span class="small">‼ you won't need this if you answered "bald" or "shaved" above, but filling it out won't break anythig.</span>
▪ What color are your character's eyes?
(input-box:bind $eyecolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's skin color.
(input-box:bind $skincolor,"XX==",1,"tanned") <span class="small">‼ 1 to 3 words is good. If you're not sure, check <a href="http://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com/post/96830966357/words-for-skin-tone-how-to-describe-skin-color" target="_blank">here</a> for ideas.</span>
<span class="small">‼ alternatively, another adjective will work fine (ex., supple, leathery, etc.)</span>
<span class='white'>(link-goto: "Done", "aPlayerN")</span>//Please replace the default values!//
▪ What is your character's subject pronoun?
(dropdown: bind $She,"She","He","They")
▪ What is your character's first name?
(input-box:bind $firstname,"XX==",1,"Chief")
▪ Is your character's head shaved or bald?
(dropdown: bind $head, "no", "shaved", "bald")
▪ What is your character's hair color?
(input-box:bind $haircolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's hair in 1 or 2 words (short, chin-length, long, etc.).
(input-box:bind $hairlength,"XX==",1,"short, unkempt")<span class="small">‼ you won't need this if you answered "bald" or "shaved" above, but filling it out won't break anythig.</span>
▪ What color are your character's eyes?
(input-box:bind $eyecolor,"XX==",1,"brown")
▪ Describe your character's skin color.
(input-box:bind $skincolor,"XX==",1,"tanned") <span class="small">‼ 1 to 3 words is good. If you're not sure, check <a href="http://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com/post/96830966357/words-for-skin-tone-how-to-describe-skin-color" target="_blank">here</a> for ideas.</span>
<span class="small">‼ alternatively, another adjective will work fine (ex., supple, leathery, etc.)</span>
<span class='white'>(link-goto: "Done", "aPlayerN")</span>{(if:$She is "They")[(set: $she to "they")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $she to "he")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $she to "she")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $she to "ze")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Herposs to "Their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Herposs to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Herposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $Herposs to "Zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hers to "Theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hers to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hers to "Hers")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $Hers to "Zirs")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hernotposs to "them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hernotposs to "him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hernotposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $hernotposs to "zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $herposs to "their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $herposs to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $herposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $herposs to "zir")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hers to "theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hers to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hers to "hers")]
(if:$She is "Ze")[(set: $hers to "zirs")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $was to "are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $was to "were")](else:)[(set: $was to "was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Was to "Are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Was to "Were")](else:)[(set: $Was to "Was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $wasnt to "aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $wasnt to "weren't")](else:)[(set: $wasnt to "wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Wasnt to "Aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Wasnt to "Weren't")](else:)[(set: $Wasnt to "Wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hernotposs to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $herposs to "your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hers to "yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $she to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshine to "shine")](else:)[(set: $MCshine to "shined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshine to "shines")](else:)[(set: $OTshine to "shined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hernotposs to "You")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Herposs to "Your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hers to "Yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $She to "You")]}
''This is what you entered:''
Pronouns (Uppercase): $She, $Hernotposs, $Herposs, $Hers
Pronouns (lowercse): $she, $hernotposs, $herposs, $hers
First name: $firstname
Hair color: (if:$head is "bald")[-intentionally blank-](else:)[$haircolor]
Hairstyle: (if:$head is "bald")[bald](else-if: $head is "shaved")[shaved](else:)[$hairlength]
Eye color: $eyecolor
Skin color: $skincolor
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] (if:$She is "You")[run](else:)[ran] $herposs hand (if:$head contains "bald")[over $herposs bare head](else-if:$head contains "shaved")[across $herposs shaved $haircolor hair](else:)[through $herposs $hairlength $haircolor hair], $herposs $eyecolor eyes staring across Kings Canyon. The midday sun (if:$She is "You")[shines](else:)[shone] on $herposs $skincolor skin, warming it.
If that looks correct, please
<span class='white2'>[[>>->Page OneN]]</span>
If ''not'', please click the curved back arrow above in the upper left hand corner to re-enter the information.
''A few notes:''
* I don't keep any information you enter.
* The next page may take 30 seconds to a minute to load.{
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $she to "they")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $she to "he")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $she to "she")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hernotposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Herposs to "Their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Herposs to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Herposs to "Her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $Hers to "Theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $Hers to "His")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $Hers to "Hers")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hernotposs to "them")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hernotposs to "him")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hernotposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $herposs to "their")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $herposs to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $herposs to "her")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $hers to "theirs")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $hers to "his")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $hers to "hers")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $was to "are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $was to "were")](else:)[(set: $was to "was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Was to "Are")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Was to "Were")](else:)[(set: $Was to "Was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $wasnt to "aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $wasnt to "weren't")](else:)[(set: $wasnt to "wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Wasnt to "Aren't")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $Wasnt to "Weren't")](else:)[(set: $Wasnt to "Wasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $self to "yourself")](else-if:$She is "They")[(set: $self to "themself")](else-if:$She is "He")[(set: $self to "himself")](else-if:$She is "She")[(set: $self to "herself")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hernotposs to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $herposs to "your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $hers to "yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $she to "you")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hernotposs to "You")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Herposs to "Your")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $Hers to "Yours")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $She to "You")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTis to "is")](else:)[(set: $OTis to "was")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcan to "can")](else:)[(set: $MCcan to "could")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $have to "have")](else:)[(set: $have to "had")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThas to "has")](else:)[(set: $OThas to "had")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $dont to "don't")](else:)[(set: $dont to "didn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsaid to "say")](else:)[(set: $MCsaid to "said")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsaid to "says")](else:)[(set: $OTsaid to "said")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCask to "ask")](else:)[(set: $MCask to "asked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTask to "asks")](else:)[(set: $OTask to "asked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgroan to "groan")](else:)[(set: $MCgroan to "groaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgroan to "groans")](else:)[(set: $OTgroan to "groaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCskim to "skim")](else:)[(set: $MCskim to "skimmed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTskim to "skims")](else:)[(set: $OTskim to "skimmed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcup to "cup")](else:)[(set: $MCcup to "cupped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcup to "cups")](else:)[(set: $OTcup to "cupped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCswallow to "swallow")](else:)[(set: $MCswallow to "swallowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTswallow to "swallows")](else:)[(set: $OTswallow to "swallowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmoan to "moan")](else:)[(set: $MCmoan to "moaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmoan to "moans")](else:)[(set: $OTmoan to "moaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpush to "push")](else:)[(set: $MCpush to "pushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpush to "pushes")](else:)[(set: $OTpush to "pushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpull to "pull")](else:)[(set: $MCpull to "pulled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpull to "pulls")](else:)[(set: $OTpull to "pulled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcontinue to "continue")](else:)[(set: $MCcontinue to "continued")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcontinue to "continues")](else:)[(set: $OTcontinue to "continued")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpound to "pound")](else:)[(set: $MCpound to "pounded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpound to "pounds")](else:)[(set: $OTpound to "pounded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCnudge to "nudge")](else:)[(set: $MCnudge to "nudged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTnudge to "nudges")](else:)[(set: $OTnudge to "nudged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslide to "slide")](else:)[(set: $MCslide to "slid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslide to "slides")](else:)[(set: $OTslide to "slid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslip to "slip")](else:)[(set: $MCslip to "slipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslip to "slips")](else:)[(set: $OTslip to "slipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrail to "rail")](else:)[(set: $MCrail to "railed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrail to "rails")](else:)[(set: $OTrail to "railed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChammer to "hammer")](else:)[(set: $MChammer to "hammered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThammer to "hammers")](else:)[(set: $OThammer to "hammered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwhine to "whine")](else:)[(set: $MCwhine to "whined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwhine to "whines")](else:)[(set: $OTwhine to "whined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwhimper to "whimper")](else:)[(set: $MCwhimper to "whimpered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwhimper to "whimpers")](else:)[(set: $OTwhimper to "whimpered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClook to "look")](else:)[(set: $MClook to "looked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlook to "looks")](else:)[(set: $OTlook to "looked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrub to "rub")](else:)[(set: $MCrub to "rubbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrub to "rubs")](else:)[(set: $OTrub to "rubbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstroke to "stroke")](else:)[(set: $MCstroke to "stroked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstroke to "strokes")](else:)[(set: $OTstroke to "stroked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcaress to "caress")](else:)[(set: $MCcaress to "caressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcaress to "caresses")](else:)[(set: $OTcaress to "caressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtug to "tug")](else:)[(set: $MCtug to "tugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtug to "tugs")](else:)[(set: $OTtug to "tugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsqueeze to "squeeze")](else:)[(set: $MCsqueeze to "squeezed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsqueeze to "squeezes")](else:)[(set: $OTsqueeze to "squeezed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgo to "go")](else:)[(set: $MCgo to "went")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgo to "goes")](else:)[(set: $OTgo to "went")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdo to "do")](else:)[(set: $MCdo to "did")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdo to "does")](else:)[(set: $OTdo to "did")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCget to "get")](else:)[(set: $MCget to "got")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTget to "gets")](else:)[(set: $OTget to "got")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmake to "make")](else:)[(set: $MCmake to "made")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmake to "makes")](else:)[(set: $OTmake to "made")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCknow to "know")](else:)[(set: $MCknow to "knew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTknow to "knows")](else:)[(set: $OTknow to "knew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCthink to "think")](else:)[(set: $MCthink to "thought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTthink to "thinks")](else:)[(set: $OTthink to "thought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsee to "see")](else:)[(set: $MCsee to "saw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsee to "sees")](else:)[(set: $OTsee to "saw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcome to "come")](else:)[(set: $MCcome to "came")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcome to "comes")](else:)[(set: $OTcome to "came")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwant to "want")](else:)[(set: $MCwant to "wanted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwant to "wants")](else:)[(set: $OTwant to "wanted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCuse to "use")](else:)[(set: $MCuse to "used")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTuse to "uses")](else:)[(set: $OTuse to "used")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfind to "find")](else:)[(set: $MCfind to "found")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfind to "finds")](else:)[(set: $OTfind to "found")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgive to "give")](else:)[(set: $MCgive to "gave")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgive to "gives")](else:)[(set: $OTgive to "gave")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtell to "tell")](else:)[(set: $MCtell to "told")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtell to "tells")](else:)[(set: $OTtell to "told")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrest to "rest")](else:)[(set: $MCrest to "rested")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrest to "rests")](else:)[(set: $OTrest to "rested")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrefuse to "refuse")](else:)[(set: $MCrefuse to "refused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrefuse to "refuses")](else:)[(set: $OTrefuse to "refused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshake to "shake")](else:)[(set: $MCshake to "shook")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshake to "shakes")](else:)[(set: $OTshake to "shook")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsend to "send")](else:)[(set: $MCsend to "sent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsend to "sends")](else:)[(set: $OTsend to "sent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChappen to "happen")](else:)[(set: $MChappen to "happened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThappen to "happens")](else:)[(set: $OThappen to "happened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChuff to "huff")](else:)[(set: $MChuff to "huffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThuff to "huffs")](else:)[(set: $OThuff to "huffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCthrow to "throw")](else:)[(set: $MCthrow to "threw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTthrow to "throws")](else:)[(set: $OTthrow to "threw")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgreet to "greet")](else:)[(set: $MCgreet to "greeted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgreet to "greets")](else:)[(set: $OTgreet to "greeted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwander to "wander")](else:)[(set: $MCwander to "wandered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwander to "wanders")](else:)[(set: $OTwander to "wandered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstep to "step")](else:)[(set: $MCstep to "stepped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstep to "steps")](else:)[(set: $OTstep to "stepped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClead to "lead")](else:)[(set: $MClead to "led")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlead to "leads")](else:)[(set: $OTlead to "led")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpour to "pour")](else:)[(set: $MCpour to "poured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpour to "pours")](else:)[(set: $OTpour to "poured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsmell to "smell")](else:)[(set: $MCsmell to "smelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsmell to "smells")](else:)[(set: $OTsmell to "smelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClinger to "linger")](else:)[(set: $MClinger to "lingered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlinger to "lingers")](else:)[(set: $OTlinger to "lingered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgleam to "gleam")](else:)[(set: $MCgleam to "gleamed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgleam to "gleams")](else:)[(set: $OTgleam to "gleamed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbreak to "break")](else:)[(set: $MCbreak to "broke")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbreak to "breaks")](else:)[(set: $OTbreak to "broke")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcourse to "course")](else:)[(set: $MCcourse to "coursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcourse to "courses")](else:)[(set: $OTcourse to "coursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCopen to "open")](else:)[(set: $MCopen to "opened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTopen to "opens")](else:)[(set: $OTopen to "opened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsnort to "snort")](else:)[(set: $MCsnort to "snorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsnort to "snorts")](else:)[(set: $OTsnort to "snorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstuff to "stuff")](else:)[(set: $MCstuff to "stuffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstuff to "stuffs")](else:)[(set: $OTstuff to "stuffed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtwinkle to "twinkle")](else:)[(set: $MCtwinkle to "twinkled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtwinkle to "twinkles")](else:)[(set: $OTtwinkle to "twinkled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwink to "wink")](else:)[(set: $MCwink to "winked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwink to "winks")](else:)[(set: $OTwink to "winked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpurse to "purse")](else:)[(set: $MCpurse to "pursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpurse to "purses")](else:)[(set: $OTpurse to "pursed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCconcoct to "concoct")](else:)[(set: $MCconcoct to "concocted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTconcoct to "concocts")](else:)[(set: $OTconcoct to "concocted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsputter to "sputter")](else:)[(set: $MCsputter to "sputtered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsputter to "sputters")](else:)[(set: $OTsputter to "sputtered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwipe to "wipe")](else:)[(set: $MCwipe to "wiped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwipe to "wipes")](else:)[(set: $OTwipe to "wiped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCattempt to "attempt")](else:)[(set: $MCattempt to "attempted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTattempt to "attempts")](else:)[(set: $OTattempt to "attempted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtouch to "touch")](else:)[(set: $MCtouch to "touched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtouch to "touches")](else:)[(set: $OTtouch to "touched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjump to "jump")](else:)[(set: $MCjump to "jumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjump to "jumps")](else:)[(set: $OTjump to "jumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsneak to "sneak")](else:)[(set: $MCsneak to "snuck")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsneak to "sneaks")](else:)[(set: $OTsneak to "snuck")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrow to "grow")](else:)[(set: $MCgrow to "grew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrow to "grows")](else:)[(set: $OTgrow to "grew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbump to "bump")](else:)[(set: $MCbump to "bumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbump to "bumps")](else:)[(set: $OTbump to "bumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcatch to "catch")](else:)[(set: $MCcatch to "caught")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcatch to "catches")](else:)[(set: $OTcatch to "caught")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpurr to "purr")](else:)[(set: $MCpurr to "purred")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpurr to "purrs")](else:)[(set: $OTpurr to "purred")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpause to "pause")](else:)[(set: $MCpause to "paused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpause to "pauses")](else:)[(set: $OTpause to "paused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmanage to "manage")](else:)[(set: $MCmanage to "managed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmanage to "manages")](else:)[(set: $OTmanage to "managed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflush to "flush")](else:)[(set: $MCflush to "flushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflush to "flushes")](else:)[(set: $OTflush to "flushed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmurmur to "murmur")](else:)[(set: $MCmurmur to "murmured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmurmur to "murmurs")](else:)[(set: $OTmurmur to "murmured")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCforget to "forget")](else:)[(set: $MCforget to "forgot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTforget to "forgets")](else:)[(set: $OTforget to "forgot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsnake to "snake")](else:)[(set: $MCsnake to "snaked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsnake to "snakes")](else:)[(set: $OTsnake to "snaked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmelt to "melt")](else:)[(set: $MCmelt to "melted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmelt to "melts")](else:)[(set: $OTmelt to "melted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshudder to "shudder")](else:)[(set: $MCshudder to "shuddered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshudder to "shudders")](else:)[(set: $OTshudder to "shuddered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdelight to "delight")](else:)[(set: $MCdelight to "delighted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdelight to "delights")](else:)[(set: $OTdelight to "delighted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCescape to "escape")](else:)[(set: $MCescape to "escaped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTescape to "escapes")](else:)[(set: $OTescape to "escaped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreply to "reply")](else:)[(set: $MCreply to "replied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreply to "replies")](else:)[(set: $OTreply to "replied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCanswer to "answer")](else:)[(set: $MCanswer to "answered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTanswer to "answers")](else:)[(set: $OTanswer to "answered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpeel to "peel")](else:)[(set: $MCpeel to "peeled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpeel to "peels")](else:)[(set: $OTpeel to "peeled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreveal to "reveal")](else:)[(set: $MCreveal to "revealed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreveal to "reveals")](else:)[(set: $OTreveal to "revealed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCearn to "earn")](else:)[(set: $MCearn to "earned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTearn to "earns")](else:)[(set: $OTearn to "earned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCplace to "place")](else:)[(set: $MCplace to "placed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTplace to "places")](else:)[(set: $OTplace to "placed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtoss to "toss")](else:)[(set: $MCtoss to "tossed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtoss to "tosses")](else:)[(set: $OTtoss to "tossed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCunbutton to "unbutton")](else:)[(set: $MCunbutton to "unbuttoned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTunbutton to "unbuttons")](else:)[(set: $OTunbutton to "unbuttoned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCunzip to "unzip")](else:)[(set: $MCunzip to "unzipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTunzip to "unzips")](else:)[(set: $OTunzip to "unzipped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCremain to "remain")](else:)[(set: $MCremain to "remained")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTremain to "remains")](else:)[(set: $OTremain to "remained")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshimmy to "shimmy")](else:)[(set: $MCshimmy to "shimmied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshimmy to "shimmies")](else:)[(set: $OTshimmy to "shimmied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClower to "lower")](else:)[(set: $MClower to "lowered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlower to "lowers")](else:)[(set: $OTlower to "lowered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCangle to "angle")](else:)[(set: $MCangle to "angled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTangle to "angles")](else:)[(set: $OTangle to "angled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfold to "fold")](else:)[(set: $MCfold to "folded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfold to "folds")](else:)[(set: $OTfold to "folded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwork to "work")](else:)[(set: $MCwork to "worked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwork to "works")](else:)[(set: $OTwork to "worked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcall to "call")](else:)[(set: $MCcall to "called")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcall to "calls")](else:)[(set: $OTcall to "called")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsmile to "smile")](else:)[(set: $MCsmile to "smiled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsmile to "smiles")](else:)[(set: $OTsmile to "smiled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrin to "grin")](else:)[(set: $MCgrin to "grinned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrin to "grins")](else:)[(set: $OTgrin to "grinned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtry to "try")](else:)[(set: $MCtry to "tried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtry to "tries")](else:)[(set: $OTtry to "tried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCneed to "need")](else:)[(set: $MCneed to "needed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTneed to "needs")](else:)[(set: $OTneed to "needed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfeel to "feel")](else:)[(set: $MCfeel to "felt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfeel to "feels")](else:)[(set: $OTfeel to "felt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbecome to "become")](else:)[(set: $MCbecome to "became")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbecome to "becomes")](else:)[(set: $OTbecome to "became")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCleave to "leave")](else:)[(set: $MCleave to "left")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTleave to "leaves")](else:)[(set: $OTleave to "left")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCput to "put")](else:)[(set: $MCput to "put")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTput to "puts")](else:)[(set: $OTput to "put")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmean to "mean")](else:)[(set: $MCmean to "meant")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmean to "means")](else:)[(set: $OTmean to "meant")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCkeep to "keep")](else:)[(set: $MCkeep to "kept")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTkeep to "keeps")](else:)[(set: $OTkeep to "kept")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClet to "let")](else:)[(set: $MClet to "let")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlet to "lets")](else:)[(set: $OTlet to "let")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbegin to "begin")](else:)[(set: $MCbegin to "began")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbegin to "begins")](else:)[(set: $OTbegin to "began")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCseem to "seem")](else:)[(set: $MCseem to "seemed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTseem to "seems")](else:)[(set: $OTseem to "seemed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChelp to "help")](else:)[(set: $MChelp to "helped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThelp to "helps")](else:)[(set: $OThelp to "helped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtalk to "talk")](else:)[(set: $MCtalk to "talked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtalk to "talks")](else:)[(set: $OTtalk to "talked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCturn to "turn")](else:)[(set: $MCturn to "turned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTturn to "turns")](else:)[(set: $OTturn to "turned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstart to "start")](else:)[(set: $MCstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstart to "starts")](else:)[(set: $OTstart to "started")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshow to "show")](else:)[(set: $MCshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshow to "shows")](else:)[(set: $OTshow to "showed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChear to "hear")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MChear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MChear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MChear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThear to "hears")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OThear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OThear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OThear to "heard")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCplay to "play")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTplay to "plays")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTplay to "played")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrun to "run")](else:)[(set: $MCrun to "ran")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrun to "runs")](else:)[(set: $OTrun to "ran")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmove to "move")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmove to "moves")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTmove to "moved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClike to "like")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlike to "likes")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlike to "liked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClive to "live")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlive to "lives")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlive to "lived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleive")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleives")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTbelieve to "beleived")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChold to "hold")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MChold to "held")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MChold to "held")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MChold to "held")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThold to "holds")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OThold to "held")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OThold to "held")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OThold to "held")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbring to "bring")](else:)[(set: $MCbring to "brought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbring to "brings")](else:)[(set: $OTbring to "brought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwrite to "write")](else:)[(set: $MCwrite to "wrote")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwrite to "writes")](else:)[(set: $OTwrite to "wrote")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsit to "sit")](else:)[(set: $MCsit to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsit to "sits")](else:)[(set: $OTsit to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstand to "stand")](else:)[(set: $MCstand to "stood")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstand to "stands")](else:)[(set: $OTstand to "stood")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwhisper to "whisper")](else:)[(set: $MCwhisper to "whispered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwhisper to "whispers")](else:)[(set: $OTwhisper to "whispered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChasnt to "haven't")](else:)[(set: $MChasnt to "haven't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThasnt to "hasn't")](else:)[(set: $OThasnt to "hasn't")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCclose to "close")](else:)[(set: $MCclose to "closed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTclose to "closes")](else:)[(set: $OTclose to "closed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwatch to "watch")](else:)[(set: $MCwatch to "watched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwatch to "watches")](else:)[(set: $OTwatch to "watched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClove to "love")](else:)[(set: $MClove to "loved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlove to "loves")](else:)[(set: $OTlove to "loved")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgather to "gather")](else:)[(set: $MCgather to "gathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgather to "gathers")](else:)[(set: $OTgather to "gathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChook to "hook")](else:)[(set: $MChook to "hooked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThook to "hooks")](else:)[(set: $OThook to "hooked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCconfirm to "confirm")](else:)[(set: $MCconfirm to "confirmed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTconfirm to "confirms")](else:)[(set: $OTconfirm to "confirmed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstash to "stash")](else:)[(set: $MCstash to "stashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstash to "stashes")](else:)[(set: $OTstash to "stashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmess to "mess")](else:)[(set: $MCmess to "messed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmess to "messes")](else:)[(set: $OTmess to "messed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfuck to "fuck")](else:)[(set: $MCfuck to "fucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfuck to "fucks")](else:)[(set: $OTfuck to "fucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdrive to "drive")](else:)[(set: $MCdrive to "drove")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdrive to "drives")](else:)[(set: $OTdrive to "drove")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbuck to "buck")](else:)[(set: $MCbuck to "bucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbuck to "bucks")](else:)[(set: $OTbuck to "bucked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwalk to "walk")](else:)[(set: $MCwalk to "walked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwalk to "walks")](else:)[(set: $OTwalk to "walked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChug to "hug")](else:)[(set: $MChug to "hugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThug to "hugs")](else:)[(set: $OThug to "hugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpass to "pass")](else:)[(set: $MCpass to "passed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpass to "passses")](else:)[(set: $OTpass to "passed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfill to "fill")](else:)[(set: $MCfill to "filled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfill to "fills")](else:)[(set: $OTfill to "filled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwater to "water")](else:)[(set: $MCwater to "watered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwater to "waters")](else:)[(set: $OTwater to "watered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfight to "fight")](else:)[(set: $MCfight to "fought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfight to "fights")](else:)[(set: $OTfight to "fought")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrealize to "realize")](else:)[(set: $MCrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrealize to "realizes")](else:)[(set: $OTrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfumble to "fumble")](else:)[(set: $MCfumble to "fumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfumble to "fumbles")](else:)[(set: $OTfumble to "fumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfreeze to "freeze")](else:)[(set: $MCfreeze to "froze")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfreeze to "freezes")](else:)[(set: $OTfreeze to "froze")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfollow to "follow")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfollow to "follows")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTfollow to "followed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshoot to "shoot")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshoot to "shoots")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTshoot to "shot")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouch")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouches")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTcrouch to "crouched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MChiss to "hiss")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MChiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MChiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MChiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OThiss to "hisses")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OThiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OThiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OThiss to "hissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrug")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugs")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTshrug to "shrugged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCset to "set")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTset to "sets")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTset to "sat")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrow")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrows")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTfurrow to "furrowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClie to "lie")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlie to "lies")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlie to "lay")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClay to "lay")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlay to "lays")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlay to "laid")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClying to "lie")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MClying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MClying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MClying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlying to "lies")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTlying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTlying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTlying to "lied")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostle")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostles")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTjostle to "jostled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpick to "pick")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpick to "picks")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTpick to "picked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfall to "fall")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfall to "falls")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTfall to "fell")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtake to "take")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtake to "takes")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTtake to "took")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcomb to "comb")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcomb to "combs")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTcomb to "combed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrap")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwrap to "wraps")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCpress to "press")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTpress to "presses")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTpress to "pressed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflick to "flick")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $MCflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $MCflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $MCflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflick to "flicks")]
(if:$She is "They")[(set: $OTflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "He")[(set: $OTflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "She")[(set: $OTflick to "flicked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflirt to "flirt")](else:)[(set: $MCflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflirt to "flirts")](else:)[(set: $OTflirt to "flirted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfeather to "feather")](else:)[(set: $MCfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfeather to "feathers")](else:)[(set: $OTfeather to "feathered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshift to "shift")](else:)[(set: $MCshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshift to "shifts")](else:)[(set: $OTshift to "shifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClean to "lean")](else:)[(set: $MClean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlean to "leans")](else:)[(set: $OTlean to "leaned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcircle to "circle")](else:)[(set: $MCcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcircle to "circles")](else:)[(set: $OTcircle to "circled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCflash to "flash")](else:)[(set: $MCflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTflash to "flashes")](else:)[(set: $OTflash to "flashed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrab to "grab")](else:)[(set: $MCgrab to "grabbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrab to "grabs")](else:)[(set: $OTgrab to "grabbed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCclutch to "clutch")](else:)[(set: $MCclutch to "clutched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTclutch to "clutches")](else:)[(set: $OTclutch to "clutched")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCspin to "spin")](else:)[(set: $MCspin to "spun")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTspin to "spins")](else:)[(set: $OTspin to "spun")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreach to "reach")](else:)[(set: $MCreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreach to "reaches")](else:)[(set: $OTreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCmutter to "mutter")](else:)[(set: $MCmutter to "muttered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTmutter to "mutters")](else:)[(set: $OTmutter to "muttered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcoo to "coo")](else:)[(set: $MCcoo to "cooed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcoo to "coos")](else:)[(set: $OTcoo to "cooed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwail to "wail")](else:)[(set: $MCwail to "wailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwail to "wails")](else:)[(set: $OTwail to "wailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcry to "cry")](else:)[(set: $MCcry to "cried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcry to "cries")](else:)[(set: $OTcry to "cried")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbellow to "bellow")](else:)[(set: $MCbellow to "bellowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbellow to "bellows")](else:)[(set: $OTbellow to "bellowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrunt to "grunt")](else:)[(set: $MCgrunt to "grunted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrunt to "grunts")](else:)[(set: $OTgrunt to "grunted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbend to "bend")](else:)[(set: $MCbend to "bent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbend to "bends")](else:)[(set: $OTbend to "bent")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCrealize to "realize")](else:)[(set: $MCrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTrealize to "realizes")](else:)[(set: $OTrealize to "realized")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwithdraw to "withdraw")](else:)[(set: $MCwithdraw to "withdrew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwithdraw to "withdraws")](else:)[(set: $OTwithdraw to "withdrew")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCreach to "reach")](else:)[(set: $MCreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTreach to "reaches")](else:)[(set: $OTreach to "reached")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwrap to "wrap")](else:)[(set: $MCwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwrap to "wraps")](else:)[(set: $OTwrap to "wrapped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCglide to "glide")](else:)[(set: $MCglide to "glided")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTglide to "glides")](else:)[(set: $OTglide to "glided")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCadmire to "admire")](else:)[(set: $MCadmire to "admired")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTadmire to "admires")](else:)[(set: $OTadmire to "admired")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCplunge to "plunge")](else:)[(set: $MCplunge to "plunged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTplunge to "plunges")](else:)[(set: $OTplunge to "plunged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCexpect to "expect")](else:)[(set: $MCexpect to "expected")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTexpect to "expects")](else:)[(set: $OTexpect to "expected")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCenjoy to "enjoy")](else:)[(set: $MCenjoy to "enjoyed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTenjoy to "enjoys")](else:)[(set: $OTenjoy to "enjoyed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstimulate to "stimulate")](else:)[(set: $MCstimulate to "stimulated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstimulate to "stimulates")](else:)[(set: $OTstimulate to "stimulated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslow to "slow")](else:)[(set: $MCslow to "slowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslow to "slows")](else:)[(set: $OTslow to "slowed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCstop to "stop")](else:)[(set: $MCstop to "stopped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTstop to "stops")](else:)[(set: $OTstop to "stopped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClevel to "level")](else:)[(set: $MClevel to "leveled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlevel to "levels")](else:)[(set: $OTlevel to "leveled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfocus to "focus")](else:)[(set: $MCfocus to "focused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfocus to "focuses")](else:)[(set: $OTfocus to "focused")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCclasp to "clasp")](else:)[(set: $MCclasp to "clasped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTclasp to "clasps")](else:)[(set: $OTclasp to "clasped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfail to "fail")](else:)[(set: $MCfail to "failed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfail to "fails")](else:)[(set: $OTfail to "failed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjog to "jog")](else:)[(set: $MCjog to "jogged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjog to "jogs")](else:)[(set: $OTjog to "jogged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCyell to "yell")](else:)[(set: $MCyell to "yelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTyell to "yells")](else:)[(set: $OTyell to "yelled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCholler to "holler")](else:)[(set: $MCholler to "hollered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTholler to "hollers")](else:)[(set: $OTholler to "hollered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCtrail to "trail")](else:)[(set: $MCtrail to "trailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTtrail to "trails")](else:)[(set: $OTtrail to "trailed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCresume to "resume")](else:)[(set: $MCresume to "resumed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTresume to "resumes")](else:)[(set: $OTresume to "resumed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClaugh to "laugh")](else:)[(set: $MClaugh to "laughed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlaugh to "laughs")](else:)[(set: $OTlaugh to "laughed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcover to "cover")](else:)[(set: $MCcover to "covered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcover to "covers")](else:)[(set: $OTcover to "covered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslam to "slam")](else:)[(set: $MCslam to "slammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslam to "slams")](else:)[(set: $OTslam to "slammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCurge to "urge")](else:)[(set: $MCurge to "urged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTurge to "urges")](else:)[(set: $OTurge to "urged")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCleap to "leap")](else:)[(set: $MCleap to "leapt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTleap to "leaps")](else:)[(set: $OTleap to "leapt")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCcascade to "cascade")](else:)[(set: $MCcascade to "cascaded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTcascade to "cascades")](else:)[(set: $OTcascade to "cascaded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCfloat to "float")](else:)[(set: $MCfloat to "floated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTfloat to "floatS")](else:)[(set: $OTfloat to "floated")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MClift to "lift")](else:)[(set: $MClift to "lifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTlift to "lifts")](else:)[(set: $OTlift to "lifted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCjam to "jam")](else:)[(set: $MCjam to "jammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTjam to "jams")](else:)[(set: $OTjam to "jammed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslump to "slump")](else:)[(set: $MCslump to "slumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslump to "slumps")](else:)[(set: $OTslump to "slumped")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsink to "sink")](else:)[(set: $MCsink to "sank")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsink to "sinks")](else:)[(set: $OTsink to "sank")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCslink to "slink")](else:)[(set: $MCslink to "slunk")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTslink to "slinks")](else:)[(set: $OTslink to "slunk")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCunlock to "unlock")](else:)[(set: $MCunlock to "unlocked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTunlock to "unlocks")](else:)[(set: $OTunlock to "unlocked")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCdisappear to "disappear")](else:)[(set: $MCdisappear to "disappeared")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTdisappear to "disappears")](else:)[(set: $OTdisappear to "disappeared")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCkiss to "kiss")](else:)[(set: $MCkiss to "kissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTkiss to "kisses")](else:)[(set: $OTkiss to "kissed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCsort to "sort")](else:)[(set: $MCsort to "sorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTsort to "sorts")](else:)[(set: $OTsort to "sorted")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbaffle to "baffle")](else:)[(set: $MCbaffle to "baffled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbaffle to "baffles")](else:)[(set: $OTbaffle to "baffled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCwarn to "warn")](else:)[(set: $MCwarn to "warned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTwarn to "warns")](else:)[(set: $OTwarn to "warned")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCbetray to "betray")](else:)[(set: $MCbetray to "betrayed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTbetary to "betrays")](else:)[(set: $OTbetary to "betrayed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCnotice to "notice")](else:)[(set: $MCnotice to "noticed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTnotice to "notices")](else:)[(set: $OTnotice to "noticed")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCgrumble to "grumble")](else:)[(set: $MCgrumble to "grumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTgrumble to "grumbles")](else:)[(set: $OTgrumble to "grumbled")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCglisten to "glisten")](else:)[(set: $MCglisten to "glistened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTglisten to "glistens")](else:)[(set: $OTglisten to "glistened")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCprod to "prod")](else:)[(set: $MCprod to "prodded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTprod to "prods")](else:)[(set: $OTprod to "prodded")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCignore to "ignore")](else:)[(set: $MCignore to "ignored")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTignore to "ignores")](else:)[(set: $OTignore to "ignored")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCquiver to "quiver")](else:)[(set: $MCquiver to "quivered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTquiver to "quivers")](else:)[(set: $OTquiver to "quivered")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $MCshine to "shine")](else:)[(set: $MCshine to "shined")]
(if:$She is "You")[(set: $OTshine to "shines")](else:)[(set: $OTshine to "shined")]}\
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="https://i.imgur.com/y34t6W3.png" alt="" width="98" height="55" />]
Talos almost $OTfeel like a vacation after dealing with all the shit that happened to Kings Canyon. It $OTis also a hell of a lot prettier. It took moving the games to an entirely new location to get the Syndicate off $firstname's ass about all of the repairs--the canyon $OTis so busted that $she $have been working way too many hours and losing too much sleep to stay on top of everything. Even with a team of people, it $OTis too much.
$She $dont have any evidence, but $she $was fairly sure the new legend $OThas something to do with the chaos. Shit going south and a skilled hacker suddenly entering the games $OTis more than a coincidence. But $herposs job as a munitions engineer $OTis to design new shit and fix (if:$She is "You")[whatever's](else:)[whatever was] broken, not to ask questions. Asking the Syndicate questions about the games $OTis a great way to get yourself killed. Besides, Crypto $OTis plenty good looking and $she $dont mind him being around.
$She $MCclose the panel on the survey beacon and $MCwatch it come back to life as $she $MCwipe the oil and grime from $herposs $skincolor skin onto $herposs pants. Nobody $OTuse these things except Pathfinder and $she screamed like hell at the monitors whenever his team refused to put him in a position to use them. $She $MCfeel particularly fond of the MRVN and $MClove to see him win more than anyone else (with maybe one exception).
$She $MCgather $herposs things and $MChook (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$hernotposs](print:"self") to the line, preparing to rappel down to the first floor when $she $MChear the faint sound of a ship growing closer. Looking to the sky behind $hernotposs, $she $MCsee the unmistakable drop-ship closing in. $Herposs watch $OTconfirm the date and time, confusing $hernotposs further. There (if:$She is "You")[aren't](else:)[weren't] any games scheduled for today. (if:$She is "You")[Are](else:)[Were] there?
The last place $she $MCwant to be (if:$She is "You")[is](else:)[was] in the arena when the shooting (if:$She is "You")[starts](else:)[started]. $She $MCneed to get to an old access tunnel ASAP, and the closest one that (if:$She is "You")[hasn't](else:)[hadn't] crumbled in on itself was at the train station on the other side of Capitol City.
$She $MCstash $herposs tools in a container and $MCslide down to the ground floor, cursing under $herposs breath. If $she $MCget caught in any footage, $she(if:$She is "You")['ll](else:)['d] be fucked. Unplanned variables in a game (if:$She is "You")[mess](else:)[messed] with the Syndicate's betting algorithms and pools. And nobody $OTfuck with the Syndicate's pools and $OTwalk away.
The ship $OTis now practically overhead, and $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] make out the trails of about half of the legends. Quietly pleading for them to stay away from $hernotposs, $she $MChug the walls of each building $she $MCpass, avoiding the open streets.
► {(link-repeat: '"Attention. First blood."')[(track: 'first-blood', 'play')]}
$She hadn't heard any gunfire, which temporarily (if:$She is "You")[fills](else:)[filled] $hernotposs with some relief. Maybe $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] pull this off. $She $dont want to lose $herposs job, and $she certainly $dont want to wind up dead for throwing a game.
The station $OTis empty, thank god. $She $MCmake $herposs way through the waiting areas toward the basement and $MCfind the access panel behind a potted plant. $She $have no idea who $OTwater these things and why, but it (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] $herposs job to stage the arena, just to make sure it $OTis well-supplied. $She $MCfight with the panel for a moment before $she $MCrealize it $OTis locked. Of course it $OTis. $She $MCfumble with $herposs ring of keys, grimacing at the sound they (if:$She is "You")[make](else:)[made].
$She $have too many damn keys.
From somewhere nearby in the station, $she $MChear a single gunshot, which nearly (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] $hernotposs scream. But $she $MCkeep $herposs shit together and $MCfreeze in place. The sound of metal hitting the floor $OTfollow.
$She (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] hear the grin in his voice. $She $MCknow it immediately. Octavio--he shot the drone that (if:$She is "You")[is](else:)[was] filming him. He had no reason to do so unless he didn't want to be monitored. Which (if:$She is "You")[means](else:)[meant]...
"$firstname, what the hell are you doing in here?" he $OTask, rounding the corner.
"Trying to get the fuck out. There's not supposed to be a match today," (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MCwhisper and $MCcrouch down.
"That's what I thought, but they sent out a message this morning that a game was on," he $OTsaid, walking over to $hernotposs.
"It's that fucking Crypto, I guarantee it," (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MChiss.
Octavio $OTshrug.
"Makes no difference to me. I'm always ready for a match," he $OTsaid.
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] (if:$She is "You")[can't](else:)[couldn't] see his grin behind his mask, but $she $MCknow it $OTis there.
"You'll be DQed if they see you with me," $she $MCsaid, returning to $herposs keyring.
"<em>Bebé</em>, I'm doing you a favor," Octavio $OTsaid. "You could thank me."
"Thank you, Octavio," $she $MCsaid.
"Nuh-uh. That's not what I mean."
Octavio $OTset his SMG down on the counter and $OTjostle his belt, pulling it up a bit so he (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] unfasten the top of his shorts. (if:$She is "You")[Your](else:)[$firstname's] brow $OTfurrow as $she $MCwatch him unzip his fly.
"Are you out of your goddamn mind? They'll send another drone over immediately," $she $MCwhisper.
"Have a little fun," Octavio $OTsaid. "Fuckin' live a little!"
"I'd like to keep living, Oc. The last thing I need is a drone broadcasting me fucking you down here. They'll kill me."
From inside his shorts, he $OTpull out his cock with one hand and $OTpick the SMG back up with his other.
"Living is only fun when you're on the verge of dying, <em>bebé</em>," he $OTsaid. "I'll shoot down any drone they send."
"And your team?"
"Won't matter if we're fast," he $OTsaid, still grinning.
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] $MCgroan quietly but $MCfall forward onto $herposs knees and $MCtake Octavio's shaft in $herposs hand, which (if:$She is "You")[is](else:)[was] growing harder with each passing moment. Octavio $OTlet out a pleased sigh and (if:$head is "bald")[$OTrest his hand on $herposs bare head](else-if:$head is "shaved")[$OTrun his fingertips through (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$firstname's] shaved $haircolor hair](else:)[$OTcomb his fingers through (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$firstname's] $hairlength $haircolor hair] as $she (if:$She is "You")[free](else:)[freed] the crown of his cock from his foreskin and $MCwrap $herposs lips around him. $She $MCpress the tip of $herposs tongue under his head, rubbing the sensitive ridge there and earning a moan from him that $OTis louder than $she (if:$She is "You")[would like](else:)[would have liked].
After a few moments, $she $MCslide $herposs mouth down along his length, letting him reach the back of $herposs throat, suppressing whatever instinct $she (if:$She is "You")[have](else:)[had] to gag. $Herposs $eyecolor eyes $MCflick up toward him, but he (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] watching. His attention $OTshift from one end of the hallway to the other.
"Faster, $firstname," he $OTsaid. "I got a game to win."
$She $MCsit back, letting his cock pop from $herposs mouth.
"Fuck off, Oc. I don't have to do this," $she $MChiss.
"Yeah, but I know you wanna."
A part of $hernotposs $OTwant to punch Oc in the groin and unlock the panel. But he (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] going to snitch on $hernotposs, and $she (if:$She is "You")[have](else:)[had] nothing to lose at this point. Plus, he (if:$She is "You")[isn't](else:)[wasn't] wrong. There $OTis something incredibly exciting about doing this when there $OTis no incentive... something about being caught (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] it even more of a turn-on.
$She $MClean in and $MCslip his cock back into $herposs mouth, $herposs fingers (if:$She is "You")[circling](else:)[circled] around the base. Octavio finally $OTlook down at $hernotposs as $herposs head (if:$She is "You")[bobs](else:)[bobbed] back and forth, $herposs mouth a tight seal around him.(if:$She is "You")[](else:)[ $She felt amazing, making him even more thankful for his steel legs.]
"I wish the world could see this," Octavio $OTsaid. "Cuz it looks way too fucking good. I should start recording us when we fuck."
$Herposs eyes $MCflash up in annoyance, which (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] him chuckle.(if:$She is "You")[](else:)[
The Legend felt the tension in his abdomen well as he grew closer to coming, but he decided it wasn't enough. Maybe this was too fast. It hardly felt like they were in danger.] He $OTgrab (if:$She is "You")[your](else:)[$firstname's] arm and $OTbegin hoisting $hernotposs up from the floor(if:$She is "You")[.](else:)[, surprising $hernotposs.]
"What the hell, Oc?" $she $MCask as Octavio $OTspin $hernotposs around and $OTpush $herposs stomach up against the counter.
With his free hand, Octavio $OTreach around $hernotposs and easily (if:$She is "You")[undoes](else:)[undid] $herposs pants, pulling them down with a few well-placed tugs, along with $herposs underwear. He $OTsqueeze $herposs ass as he $OTrub himself against $hernotposs.
"You've got the nicest fuckin' ass," he $OTmutter. "I wanna watch it bounce."
"And you think this is the time?" (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MCwhisper.
"Hells yeah."
With a sigh, $she $MCbend over the counter, tilting $herposs ass up toward him. $She $MCfeel his fingers sink inside of $hernotposs and let $herposs head fall forward as he $OTfuck $hernotposs with them. His fingers (if:$She is "You")[withdraw](else:)[withdrew], and $she $MCfeel his cock push up against $hernotposs in their place. He $OTprod $hernotposs, coating $herposs entrance with his precum until it $OTglisten. Once satisfied, he $OTsink his head into $hernotposs. $She $MCreach out and $MCwrap $herposs hands around the edge of the counter as he $OTglide into $hernotposs.
"I know you love my cock. Keep a lookout, would you?" he $OTask.(if:$She is "You")[
(if:$She is "You")[Your](else:)[$firstname's] whole body (if:$She is "You")[bounces](else:)[bounced] as he $OThammer $hernotposs--$she (if:$She is "You")[have](else:)[had] no idea how he $OTexpect $hernotposs to keep watch. In fact, $herposs eyes (if:$She is "You")[blur](else:)[blurred] as $she $MCenjoy the sensation. He $OTmove so fast and hard that he $OTstimulate nearly everything.](else:)[
Octavio $OTlet his free hand fall to his side and $OTadmire the view as he $OTbegin to pound $hernotposs from behind rapidly. His legs (if:$She is "You")[keep](else:)[kept] him steady as he $OTplunge in and out of $hernotposs. (if:$She is "You")[Your](else:)[$firstname's] whole body (if:$She is "You")[bounces](else:)[bounced] as he $OThammer $hernotposs--$she (if:$She is "You")[have](else:)[had] no idea how he $OTexpect $hernotposs to keep watch. In fact, $herposs eyes (if:$She is "You")[blur](else:)[blurred] as $she $MCenjoy the sensation. He $OTmove so fast and hard that he $OTstimulate nearly everything.]
After a minute or two, he $OTslow but (if:$She is "You")[doesn't](else:)[didn't] come to a complete stop as he $OTlevel his Prowler, aiming it down the hall.
"You hear that?" he $OTask.
$She (if:$She is "You")[don't](else:)[didn't] hear a damn thing as $she $MCfocus on his full, smooth deep thrusts, each of which nearly (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] $hernotposs cry out in delight. $She quickly $MCclasp $herposs hand to $herposs mouth, not sure $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] resist making any noise.
From the stairs at the end of the hall (if:$She is "You")[comes](else:)[came] Mirage, but he $OTfail to make eye contact with either of (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[them] as he $OTjog past. (if:$She is "You")[You both watch as he snags on a chair and stops, giving himself away as a decoy. Octane lowers his gun with a snort.](else:)[They both watched as he snagged on a chair and stopped, giving himself away as a decoy. Octane lowered his gun with a snort.]
"I got everything down here, <em>compadre</em>, no reason to come down!" he $OTyell.
"You sure?" Mirage's voice $OTtrail down the stairs.
"Yeah, I'm //sure//," Octavio $OTsaid with heavy emphasis.
"Alright, but speed it up. You're taking way too damn long... which is unlike you."
"He wants me to speed it up? I can speed it up," Octavio $OTmutter.
He $OTlet out a long, loud moan as he $OTresume his furious pace, surprising $hernotposs enough that $she $MClet out a muffled whimper into $herposs palm. He $OTlaugh and $OTpull a stim out from the stash on his hip, draining it into his abdomen.
"I love this part," he $OTgroan as the drugs hit his bloodstream.
His thrusts (if:$She is "You")[become](else:)[became] more urgent, faster than before, which (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] didn't even think was possible. $Herposs keyring, hooked to $herposs belt loop but since stuffed in $herposs pocket, (if:$She is "You")[comes](else:)[came] loose and immediately (if:$She is "You")[starts](else:)[started] to jangle with a wild rhythm. The sound $OTis so loud, it (if:$She is "You")[makes](else:)[made] $hernotposs want to die. (if:$She is "You")[There's](else:)[There was] no way they (if:$She is "You")[can't](else:)[couldn't] hear it upstairs. $She $MCpress $herposs face into the countertop and $MCcover $herposs head with $herposs arms.
From above, $she $MChear another single gunshot and Mirage's voice casually (if:$She is "You")[calls](else:)[call] down the stairs.
"OOPS. Geez, these drones, I tell ya."
With a few guttural sounds, Octavio $OTslam himself into $hernotposs a few final times, then quickly $OTwithdraw. But before $she (if:$She is "You")[can](else:)[could] react, he $OTreach his hand between $herposs legs from behind and $OTstroke $hernotposs. $She $MCfeel him practically dancing behind $hernotposs as his hand $OTmove back and forth at the speed of light.
"Come on," Octavio $OTsaid quietly.
Normally, the pressure to come (if:$She is "You")[has](else:)[had] the exact opposite effect, but his hand $OTmove so damn fast that it (if:$She is "You")[feels](else:)[felt] better than any toy. $She $MCreach out to grip the edges of the counter, the stimulation nearly too much.
"Ffffffffffffuuuu," (if:$She is "You")[you](else:)[$firstname] $MCwhine, $herposs knuckles going white.
"Come on, come on, come on," he $OTurge, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
$Herposs heart $OTleap into $herposs ears, and for a few moments, $she (if:$She is "You")[can't](else:)[couldn't] hear anything. $Herposs eyes (if:$She is "You")[clamp](else:)[clamped] shut as $herposs cry (if:$She is "You")[comes](else:)[came] out instead as a long, ragged gasp. Pleasure $OTcascade from the crown of $herposs head into $herposs fingertips and toes, and for a moment, $she $MCfloat.
When $she finally $MClift $herposs head, $she $MCsee him hopping awkwardly away, trying to run and redo his fly at the same time.
"There's no way I can lose now," he $OTsaid with another laugh. "I'll be over later to celebrate. Now get the hell outta here."
With that, he $OTjam another stim into his upper leg and $OTtake off up the stairs.
(if:$She is "You")[You](else:)[$firstname] $MCslink down behind the counter and $MCpull $herposs pants back up, still not entirely with it as $she $MCignore the mess $she made. $Herposs whole body $OTquiver. After finding the correct key, $she quietly $MCunlock the panel and $MCdisappear inside, sitting with $herposs back against the door inside the small, dark access hall.
<hr class="new5">
"You ready?" Mirage $OTask as Octane $OTrun up the stairs and (if:$She is "You")[cruises](else:)[cruised] past him.
► {(link-repeat: '"Stimmed up and ready to burn."')[(track: 'stimmed-up', 'play')]}
(Button:"=X=")[[Start Over->Untitled Passage]]